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Fresh Products Sold by us in addition to Ray's


From left a lemon sole to right a box of lemons, skinned, with head and tail removed. This box of lemons will be iced top and bottom, prior to dispatch, after been carefully packed, into secure polystyrene boxes. 


Icelandic Haddock (Left) and Cod fillet right supplied fresh daily.

We also buy and supply Faro, Irish, Norwegian,  and Shetland fish product

Typical boxes are packed in  6kg, 12kg, and imperial (1 stone) etc.


We also supply smoked haddock, which is bought on the local fish market by us, cured (natural), frozen and packed into 3kg card boxes). Halibut, Skate cheeks/nobs, (left) and skate bits/ fillets/ goujons (right) are also available subject to availability.


A good proportion of our Ray wings are typically skinned by hand, the old fashioned way enabling a superior product. A typical wing which has been cut away from the body of the ray is shown below left. The hand skinned wing is shown below right. Rays are often regarded as one of  the understated culinary delights. They can be cooked in many ways, or if you prefer, battered and served up with the traditional chips and mushy peas!



This popular delicacy is "back on the menu" with some recent restrictions on catching now eased.

We supply both fresh and frozen product typically in 2 size offerings:-

Large Dogs (3 or 4 fish to a 6 kg box) and the smaller large medium Dogs.

Dogs are subject to availability, and supplied from legal and sustainable sources.

1 dog in poly.jpg
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